
Phase diagram of cuprate high-temperature superconductors

Dec.2 14:30-14:45 (Tokyo Time)

*Takashi Yanagisawa1, MItake Miyazaki2, Kunihiko Yamaji1

Electronics and Photonics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science an dechnology1

Hakodate Institute of Technology2

It is important to understand the phase daigram of cuprate high-temperature superconductors to clarify the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity and also to design new superconducting materials. We investigate the ground state of the electronic models for high-temperature cuprates and clarify the phase diagram. We employ the optimization variational Monte Carlo method based on improved wave functions that take account of inter-site electron correlation and can be improved systematically. In our method the ground-state energy is lowered greatly, which gives the best estimate of the ground-state energy for the Hubbard model and also the three-band d-p model. The many-body effect plays an important role as an origin of superconductivity. We show the phase diagram by varying the Coulomb repulsive interaction U,the band parameters t', the level difference between d and p electrons, and the electron density.

Keywords: high-temperature superconductivity, strongly correlated electron systems, optimization Monte Carlo method, phase diagram