The microwave superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) multiplexer (MW-Mux) is a promising readout circuit for transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters and metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs). Owing to its gigahertz bandwidth, it can provide a much larger number of multiplexed TES pixels U per readout wire than three conventional methods with megahertz bandwidth, namely, time-division multiplexing (TDM), code-division multiplexing (CDM), and low-frequency frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). The MW-Mux consists of quarter-wavelength resonators terminated by dissipationless radio frequency (RF) SQUIDs; the resonance frequencies fr are modulated by the output of the corresponding pixel of the TES. To linearize the SQUID response, flux-ramp modulation (FRM) is adopted. This involves ramping the flux in RF-SQUID at a fundamental frequency framp resulting in a relative phase shift of the modulated signal averaged over the period of the flux ramp. Therefore, the TES output is measured at sampling frequency framp. Over the past decade, the MW-Mux has been developed to achieve a larger U and higher framp, with SI « δIph2 + δIJ2, where SI denotes the spectral densities of the current noise referred to the SQUID input originating from MW-Mux, and δIph2 and δIJ2 denote the phonon and Johnson noise of TES, respectively. For 4000-pixel millimeter-wave TES bolometers, Henderson et al. reported √SI = 32 pA/√Hz; this was followed by a TES readout with U = 120 and framp = 4 kHz by Cukierman et al. For 512-pixel γ-ray calorimeters, Mates et al. demonstrated U = 128, framp = 62.5 kHz, and √SI = 19 pA/√Hz, corresponding to a flux noise of 2μΦ0/√Hz, where Φ0 is the flux quantum. In contrast to these studies with framp < 100 kHz, multiplexed readouts of x-ray TES calorimeters with MW-Mux have been reported only for U = 28 with framp = 160 kHz by Yoon et al., and U = 2 with framp = 500 kHz by Alpert et al. In this work, we first demonstrate a simultaneous readout of 38 x-ray TESs using our 40-channel MW-Mux, with framp = 500 kHz and an unprecedented noise level of √SI = 19 pA/√Hz.1) We will present the demonstration of simultaneous readout of 38 pixels from an array of x-ray TES microcalorimeters as well as development of a 40-channels microwave SQUID multiplexer.
1) Y. Nakashima et al., ``Low-noise microwave SQUID multiplexed readout of 38 x-ray transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters,’’ Appl. Phys. Lett., 2020.
Keywords: Multiplex, Superconducting microwave resonator, SQUID, Transition-edge sensor